How To Permanently Delete QuizUp

QuizUp is a free, award-multiplayer game. It was developed by Iceland-based Plain Vanilla Games. Later, it was sold to GLU Mobile Inc. for USD 7.5 Million.

How to delete QuizUp permanently

If we talk about a few months back, deleting QuizUp permanently and removing your data from QuizUp was possible. Quizup had the option to delete your account or you were also allowed to deactivate your account and whenever you need your account back you can log in and get your account back just like Facebook does. This feature was a replica of Facebook.

Later, QuizUp removed the deactivation option and only gave the option to delete it permanently, you were not able to deactivate it. Once it is deleted or deactivated it is gone forever. You can not log in and get back into your account.

Bug or something else

We are not sure if it is a bug or QuizUp did it intentionally but when you click on deactivate button for permanent delete your account will be logged out. You will think that your account is permanently deleted and all your data has been removed from QuizUp. But you are wrong, this option does not let you delete it permanently and your account is still active and visible to everyone. We don't know why QuizUp does not let us remove or data, we also don't know whether it is a bug or something else.

Another way to delete your QuizUp account permanently

Another way to delete your QuizUp account and remove all your data is deleting all the posts you wanted to remove, removing display picture or setting display picture as black, removing the cover picture and deleting all other things you want to remove like unfollowing everyone, etc. Afer that you can log out and leave your account forever and you don't need to worry about your data on QuizUp. Also, if you want to be back on QuizUp you can log in and get back in.


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